Disney sits on rights to new fantasy franchise (what's taking so long?)

We've had Middle-Earth, we've had Narnia, now it's time for Prydain!
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim

From Lord of the Rings to The Wheel of Time, the fantasy genre has seen an absolute wealth of screen adaptations, but it's one genre Disney could do more with. For a studio who has built their image on princesses, dragons, and castles, you would think the House of Mouse would have it down pat.

Although Disney did dip their toes in the water before with several fairytale adaptations and even a cinematic exploration of C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, the studio has had one series waiting in the wings for far too long, and it's time to dust off the tomes.

The Chronicles of Prydain, cauldron re-born

If there's one Disney film that has lived in infamy since the '80s, it's the infamous Black Cauldron (1985). Disney's foray into the realms of dark fantasy was such a deviation from its magical formula that it nearly killed the animation studio. So why would Disney want to try again?

Although it was considered Disney's biggest failure (until Strange World came along, that is), it was still a unique step for the studio, and one they might repeat. At the time of writing, Disney still has the rights to Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain, the books that inspired the film. In an age of remakes, it might be next on the list.

While Disney has made no announcement officially, rumors of a live-action remake of the cult film have been circulating for years. As Disney prepares to welcome Christopher Paolini's Eragon to Disney+, it might not be long before The Black Cauldron gets a similar treatment.

As Disney continues down its remake rabbit hole, it's honestly only a matter of time before we see The Black Cauldron go through a similar hoop. However, it might serve Disney better to invest in a franchise or a series rather than a stand-alone film.

The original movie was actually an amalgamation of the Chronicles of Prydain series, primarily the first and second books. If Disney is smart, they'll do things the right way this time around and adapt the source material in sequence instead of blending too many things together.

For the record, this is all pure speculation (and a little bit of wishful thinking. Still, that doesn't mean there isn't reason for hope. Since there is apparently a market for both remakes and fantasy adaptations, it makes sense that Disney would pursue this venture sooner rather than later.

The original Black Cauldron can be enjoyed (or feared) on Disney+.