4 Upcoming Disney motion pictures that we are not exactly "excited" to see

Disney has a bunch of new films heading to the big screen in the next couple of years but that doesn't mean we are all excited about them
Members of the Writers Guild of America picket in front of Disney Studios. The WGA is the union representing most writers for film and TV in the U.S., strike in Los Angeles. The strike comes after weeks of negotiations failed to generate a contract between the guild and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), which bargains on behalf of the nine largest studios.
Members of the Writers Guild of America picket in front of Disney Studios. The WGA is the union representing most writers for film and TV in the U.S., strike in Los Angeles. The strike comes after weeks of negotiations failed to generate a contract between the guild and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), which bargains on behalf of the nine largest studios. / Robert Hanashiro / USA TODAY NETWORK

Soon, more and more Disney pictures will be released at the theater. Currently, Disney has a lot of films releasing over the next several years but there are a few that we simply don't have an interest in. I would venture to guess, many others do not either.

Marvel will enter a new phase, and hopefully, after seeing what the last entries have done, it will turn around a franchise that is sinking quicker than Ant-Man in the Quantum realm. Deadpool and Wolverine, a standalone project, should do exceptionally well, but the rest of the upcoming projects could be hit or miss. For the most part, fans are pretty excited to see where the next phase takes them. That can't be said about these four films.

Snow White

The film is doing reshoots currently according to star Gal Gadot who will steal the film from the title character. Tell me again how the mirror on the wall will tell Gadot she is not the fairest of them all? Rachel Zegler is a fine actress but I still don't see her as the pasty Snow White. An early image release of the film leaves a lot to be desired and while it could just be a rendering of art, it wasn't very good.

The renderings of the "Dwarfs" is off-putting to say the least. The movie has been mired in political controversy and as the "X" post says, it's been three years since Zegler was cast and we still don't have anything to really jump up and down about.

Of all the princesses, Snow White is my favorite, and it isn't close. Maybe my expectations for this were simply too high, but this is one film I'm not sure I will be seeing.

Mufasa: The Lion King

This would make an amazing prequel tale that Disney fans would love...if it were animated. There is so much story to tell prior to the original The Lion King but a live action version is not what we needed. When Disney opted to do a "live-action" The Lion King it was accepted more because technology allowed it. It was king of cool and seeing what they did with The Jungle Book was intriguing but they literally made the film an almost shot-for-shot remake with AI and frankly, after about 30 minutes it was boring. Mufasa isn't going to push any boundaries or limits or anything else. The story will be lost in all the "oooh's and aahh's" of the AI for the first 20 to 30 minutes and then the story will lose it's luster.

This one should have stayed in the animation department.

The Mandalorian and Grogu

When Luke Skywalker showed up in The Mandalorian, I about jumped out of my seat. Now, my interest is somewhat waning. Disney has diluted the Star Wars universe, and while I love the movies and eagerly anticipate new ones, I'm not looking forward to a full-length feature film about Grogu. Let's face it, this is all about Grogu.

Maybe Disney should have opted to make Grogu, Yoda. A Phoenix-type creature that rose from the ashes and was reborn when the universe needed him. It can't be any worse than what we have been told in The Acolyte or the mass midiclorians from Episode I.

This movie feels like a money grab by Disney. Instead of investing in a real Star Wars movie they are continuing to make their Disney Plus platform a must-watch primer to what happens on the big screen. It was these same decisions with the Marvel universe that has a lot of people walking away.

Moana - Live Action

Of all the films that Disney is about to release, this one is the most baffling. Scheduled to be released in July of 2026, the live action version of Moana is currently rounding out their casting and should start filming soon. There are simply too many questions surrounding this.

Will this be a new take on the series? Moana 2 is set to hit the screens later this year, so will the live-action movie continue that story or go The Lion King route and retell the original with live actors instead? On so many levels, this is not a good idea and one that Disney keeps repeating far too often. It is one of those "Just because we can doesn't mean we should" kinds of situations. Let's just leave this one alone and move on. I'll blame Dwayne Johnson for this one.
