Star Wars is one of those rare generational films that take over the entire world. In Chile, they found a way to make it their own, sort of.
It doesn't take a lot to tick off LucasFilms when it comes to Star Wars but we are seeing something trend from 2003 that has some Star Wars fans giggling.
Apparently in 2003 when the original series premiered on television, the television station opted to not use commercial breaks. So, they decided to incorporate a specific beer, into the film.
Around 2003 in Chile, when the original trilogy of Star Wars began airing on television there, they did this funny thing to avoid cutting to commercial breaks. They stitched the commercials into the films themselves. Here is one of them, with the English dub added in.
— Windy 🛸 (@heyitswindy) March 2, 2024
Each of the three original films were treated with Cristal Beer commercials and while now it seems to be quite funny, at the time, I can't imagine Star Wars fans being overly thrilled with the inclusion of those sort of ads.
Despite the trending popularity of the commercials, I wouldn't look to this becoming an actual trend in the U.S. for films or streaming. However could you imagine Disney+ inserting ads for their theme parks or other merchandise they sell into one of their films or series?
U.S. films do, however, show brand merchandise that they have sold to other companies. Many series will use different soft drinks in their series and films so it isn't something that is simply non-existent.
I can see the next Andor series mentioning Galaxy's Edge with cut scenes to different stands around that section of Hollywood Studios. It could actually be kind of fun when you think about it and fans could enjoy having been to the locations on the screen.