For annual passholders, Disney will occasionally roll out a new, special magnet as a sort of thank you. This time around, the magnet features Figment, and it isn't all that exciting. It isn't even the first time Figment has been featured on a magnet.
Disney had a Figment AP magnet back in 2019 as part of the Arts Festival at EPCOT. It was the first time the purple dragon was featured on an AP magnet but many are wondering why Disney went back to the little puff. And I have to agree.
This time around, Figment is holding a paint brush which would be fine if it was released during the Arts Festival this year. Instead, it is being given away during the current Flower and Garden Festival, so it doesn't really fit at all.
Not sure why they needed another one.
— Brian D. Miller (@Txmedic5) June 14, 2023
Has this been rolled out a couple of months ago, it might have made more sense. Now it just seems like someone didn't get it done in time.
In years past when Disney revealed a new magnet there was an association with a festival or the time of year. Or it featured a Disney character. Prior to this Figment magnet, Disney released a magnet with Dumbo, which was met very well by AP holders.
Where can you pick up the Figment Annual Passholder magnet?
But if you're the collecting type, you'll probably still want this version of the Figtment magnet. THe only place to pick one up is at EPCOT. To do so, head to the CREATIONS gift shop. Along the main pathway next to the construction wall you will see a bi-folding sign with the Disney AP logo asking you to get in line.
This is an easy process and takes less than five minutes, even if it happens to be moderately busy.
One thing that has not come back yet is the AP speciality item at the Food and Wine Festival. Prior to COVID, AP holders could receive special items for free. Some of those items were cutting boards and a set of four coasters with Mickey or the AP logo on them.
For now, you just have to hope you can get a magnet. The final day is June 30th or until the magnets run out.