Disney needs to sell guest magnets at every park here and abroad

Annual Passholders to Disney parks know that nothing in life is free except the AP Magnets that they get throughout the year. Disney is missing out on a chance to make some serious money for little cost.
An assortment of Disney AP magnets
An assortment of Disney AP magnets

Last week my family and I hit EPCOT and stood in the quick AP line to get our new Oswald AP magnets. We love collecting them and it is the only true thing that is "free" for the AP, outside of parking of course.

As we walked out a guest noticed the magnet on our stroller and asked where we purchased it. I explained what it was for and got the typical "aww shucks" comment. Later, a few others quietly asked and the reactions were the same.

That got me thinking, why doesn't Disney sell AP style magnets to guests in the park?

I am not suggesting the sale of AP magnets but what about a "G" instead of a "D" and instead of the words "Annual Passholder" it says "2023 Disney Guest" instead?

I'd like to think that an $8.00 magnet that changes from season to season would be a pretty big sell for guests who may not have a lot of money to spend at the parks or may not have the means of getting big souvenirs home.

Guest magnets wouldn't cost much to produce, we know this because if they were expensive, you wouldn't find them cheap on Ebay and Disney wouldn't be handing them out to their AP holders. Chances are, these are pretty simply to produce and even easier to sell.

Interestingly enough, how many passholders would purchase a dated "guest" magnet that would commemmorate their trip to the park for say the Food and Wine Festival, Christmas, fall, summer, spring, winter? I would assume that many would in addition to the AP magnet receive a couple of times a year.

There is money to be made here because on Ebay, there are people making money on homemade AP Disney magnets that are not available at any time through Disney.

It's money that Disney simply isn't tapping into and might want to look at. I mean there are not too many Disney merchandise options that are under $10.00, will bring guests back in to buy more, and something they can collect and display. Disney magnets can do that and give non-AP guests something they may want to come back for.

Of course, I suppose a magnet that costs $8.00 and says 2023 or whatever year it is, might take away from the sale of the $24.00 shirt that says the same thing.