Disney World weekend weather promises a need for ponchos on Sunday

This weekend, guests heading to Disney World parks should be prepared for some wet weather.
Lightning at Iskenderun Gulf in Turkiye's Hatay
Lightning at Iskenderun Gulf in Turkiye's Hatay | Anadolu/GettyImages

This weekend's weather forecast for Orlando isn't a promising one for Disney World park visitors.

According to Accuweather.com, this weekend at Disney could be a wet one.

Guests heading to Disney may have to choose what day is best for their visit. Here is a look at the two good days this weekend, and the one to avoid.

Friday - The high will be 72 degrees and a low of 49, which is perfect weather for a trip to Disney. There will be some clouds which will help block the still hot sun but a nice breeze should also help an already good day. No rain is forecast so enjoy the morning, afternoon, and evening.

Saturday - The high will be 74 degrees and the low at 56, with a slight breeze as well. Real-feel temperatures are expected to put the day high around 76, still, a great day to visit any of the Disney World parks or to take a stroll through Disney Springs.

Sunday - Temperatures will dip to 68 as a high with a low of 56 but the temperatures are not a concern. Sunday is expected to draw plenty of rain and a potential for thunderstorms in the mid-late afternoon.

Disney Parks rarely close and when they do it takes a hurricane. Some rides will close due to bad weather so on Sunday any attraction that is held outside will not be running during the storms but indoor attractions will continue. Guests should plan accordingly with weather-related clothing.

Weekly Outlook

  • Monday - 70/51 with a chance of showers throughout the day.
  • Tuesday - 65/49 windy and cloudy with low percentage of rain.
  • Wednesday - 67/48 sunshine with some clouds but no rain. Winds can be as high as 17 mph.
  • Thursday - 72/52 with mostly sunny skies