Disneyland has new rules on Pin Trading and Disney World should follow their example

Disney pin trading has become a big hobby for a lot of Disney fans. There are actually professional traders if you want to call them that but now, new rules will stifle some of what they are doing.
Disney trading pins. Photo credit Brian Miller
Disney trading pins. Photo credit Brian Miller

Robert Niles of ThemeParkInsider.com reported earlier that Disneyland is "cracking" down on pin traders who apparently take up shop at the Disneyland theme park.

I have never been to Disneyland but apparently, traders have in the past set up big pinboards near or in Frontierland at the California park and now, that will no longer be acceptable.

Disney has instituted some new rules for those, "professional" traders. Traders will no longer be able to put up boards, will no longer be able to set up benches, and will no longer be allowed to bring multiple trading books with them. The new rules, that were posted on the park FAQ page are now only allowing a single bag that measures 14x12.

Disneyland apparently is also going to restrict guest to guest trading that will end at 3pm.

This has not been a big problem at the four Disney World parks. There are plenty of traders who bring large collections along with them. If you have ever stopped by the Hollywood Studios' Sid Cahuenga's One-of-a-Kind shop just inside the entry, you may have noticed traders sitting on the benches near the windows across from the big pin board.

I'm not sure what the purpose is as I have never interacted with them. Maybe they are waiting to see if someone is trading a valuable pin they are unaware of or maybe they are just trading amongst themselves.

I have seen similar set ups at EPCOT as well but not to the degree they have at Hollywood.

So far, nothing is changing at the Disney World parks but it is possible that the future of trading could be restricted to some degree, and for the casual trader who collects board-by-board, it might be nice to know that someone hasn't gone through them knowing what to look for and grabbing them up.

It isn't a great look, in my opinion, but if that is why they are going to the parks, I don't see why Disney would try and stop them from trading their pins if that is what they want to do. If not inside, I'm sure they will set up outside.

Pin trading is a great way for the family to interact with cast members. It's a great way to collect individual likes and avoid dislikes. It isn't going away but it will be interesting to see what future changes or restrictions might be down the road.