Hollywood Studios: Alien Swirling Saucers is just really bad says a 4-year-

For many Disney World guests and especially visitors to Hollywood Studios, there is a lot to love and even dislike in Toy Storyland. Alien Saucers anyone?
Alien Swirling Saucers remains a long line despite guests consistently bad reviews. Photo Credit:
Alien Swirling Saucers remains a long line despite guests consistently bad reviews. Photo Credit:

When you first enter the Toy Story area of Hollywood Studios, it's hard not be impressed. It is one of the coolest designed places in any of the Disney World parks. Yet, you have to wonder if Imagineers would like a do-over with one of the attractions.

There are three attractions in this area. Slinky Dog Dash, Toy Story Mania, and Alien Swirling Saucers. Each has their own problems but Swirling Saucers is it's own monster all together.

The ride is similar to the Tow Mater inspired ride at Disneyland. It's a simple slingshot style ride that goes in a circle and slings you around the turns. The slings are not very fast and no, you won't get sick on the ride.

Clearly, this is an attraction designed for little kids and frankly, this should be a ride for any height at all. There is nothing remotely concerning about this attraction for even the littlest of children.

My 4-year old and I rode it on our last trip to the park. It is my 2nd time on the ride after having taken my other two kids shortly after it had opened. I thought my younger son would like it. He didn't.

The ride itself isn't really a problem. It isn't fun don't get me wrong but little children will giggle and laugh and that is something that is needed across Disney but they should be marketed as an attraction for toddlers.

The biggest problem with the ride is the length. It clocks in at 1:00 and you can count it down on your watch like clockwork. For a ride that typically sees wait times from 30 to 45 minutes and sometimes more, that is something that needs to be considered when you are debating.

In most cases, little kids will not be on the ride long enough to care and waiting in line is not something they will remember. Parents will and there are better options for little kids that are more enjoyable.

My 4 year old begged me to let him wait 2 hours for Slinky Dog Dash, another attraction that you could easily argue is not worth the time as you can Mania. In fact, none of the attractions in Toy Storyland are great or even necessary to experience if you are visiting Hollywood Studios.

The area is fun to walk through and the pictures you can get are some of the best but overall, it's a portion of the park that really doesn't matter too much when it comes to attractions and that is a shame.