X-Men: The Animated Series is considered by many to be one of the best adaptations of the Marvel comic books. But the series aired in '90s, premiering in 1992 and wrapping up in 1997.
That's nearly 20 years ago, possibly before many of today's Disney+ subscribers and Marvel fans were even born.
Or if your my age, your memory may not be what it used to and you may need a refresher of everything that happened during the series — because it was a lot!
X-Men '97 is set to debut on Disney+ this week. But with just one day left until the series premiere on March 20th, there's probably not much time to rewatch all 76 original episodes.
That's why Marvel has released a recap of the original series. The "Previously on X-Men" video is set up as if it were just another Saturday morning refresher before a new episode is set to debut.
It captures the spirit and nostalgia of the original series and, more importantly, provides us with the key information we need to know before diving into X-Men '97.
You'll notice that the recap skips quite a few major storylines — including my personal favorite, the Dark Phoenix storyline — but that's likely because they are sticking to the details that are pertinent to X-Men '97.
We are introduced to each of the main characters and briefly shown their powers. It touches on the Mutant-hunting Sentinels, the introduction of Magneto and his relationship to Professor X, the origin of Mr. Sinister, and the eventual loss of Professor X.
All of this leads to the two episode premiere of X-Men '97, which picks up after the events of X-Men: The Animated Series. It's almost as if the past 20-or-so years never happened because I feel like a kid again!
The first two episodes of X-Men '97 premiere on Disney+ tomorrow, March 20.