Now that Lorcana has been released, the initial reactions have been incredible for the Disney card game

The new Disney card game, Lorcana has been released and here is what you need to know about it.
Disney On Ice Red Carpet
Disney On Ice Red Carpet | Medios y Media/GettyImages

Disney and Ravensburger officially released Lorcana to the world at the beginning of September. It's safe to say that many people will be disappointed to know that the game is sold out at most locations throughout the United States at this point, but you will be happy to know that it has been announced already that more cards are on the way in October!

It's great to hear this because prices are a bit out of hand at the moment. If you want some advice right now, it's patience... I truly believe that Disney and Ravensburger want to make sure this game is enjoyed at the MSRP levels. Okay, that was a bit of a tangent, so back to Lorcana. Whether you have cards in hand, or you have to wait for future sets, is this game for you?

First thing to know is that Lorcana is a collectible card game (or tcg). This will automatically put people into one of a few groups. Some are going to want to collect every card to make a set, which considering the prices right now could be quite challenging...

Maybe you just want to have some cards to play with your family because you enjoy Disney products. Some people have not really enjoyed collectible card games in the past, like Magic The Gathering or Pokemon, because of pricing or complexity and may be unsure if this game is for them.

Here are some initial thoughts I have from the game itself. If you are unsure about playing this game, please try it! The rules are fairly simple compared to other collectible card games. There are only a few things that you can do on your turn, making ink (energy), playing cards, and using your current cards for points or to battle your opponent.

Honestly, this is quite refreshing to me as a gameplayer. I feel that my younger kids can play this game with me because it's not too complex, but I can also play this game with my spouse and try to come up with more complicated algorithms to help me win the game. No matter what, we all enjoy the artwork and find ourselves just talking about the Disney movies that are a part of Lorcana. We are so excited to see how this game grows and evolves over the next few years, especially wondering if our favorite Disney characters will be coming to the game - Powerline Max anyone? What about you?

I know that I've only given some basic information and an introduction to Lorcana, but we will plan to give some more details as we learn about the game. Stay tuned!