Sadly, there will not be a stand alone Hulk movie with Mark Ruffalo

Marvel Cinematic Universe fans have been clammoring for a Mark Ruffalo led Hulk movie but it just isn't going to happen says Kevin Feige.
MCM London Comic Con
MCM London Comic Con | Ollie Millington/GettyImages

In the world of the MCU, The Hulk is one of those characters that stand out as a fan favorite. Sadly, the Mark Ruffalo version of the character doesn't have a stand-alone film.

It doesn't seem as though there will be a stand-alone anytime soon. In an interview with Ruffalo, he was asked about the possibility. Ruffalo said that he had spoken with Feige about the subject and shared what he was told.

Ruffalo, who spoke during the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, confirmed there would be no film.

Ruffalo said he would like to take a stand-alone approach that would focus more on the "integrated character" than a "raging maniac" after he said Feige asked him where he wanted to go with film. Feige, according to Ruffalo said they could do that over the course of four movies and that they "will not do a stand-alone Hulk."

Ruffalo finished by saying that he didn't wan to "burst anyones bubble, but that's not happening."

Naturally, Hulk fans are not thrilled. Ruffalo's Hulk has been spectacular and more than deserving of a feature film but if we are being honest and stepping outside the fandom, a Hulk movie has been done twice and neither really lit up the boxoffice. Granted one was part of the MCU before the MCU become what it is today.

One giant hurdle, however, may be the fact that Universal Pictures owns the distribution rights to The Hulk. That creates a problem for the MCU which is owned by Disney. Similar problems existed with the X-Men and Spiderman franchises that were owned by Sony. That is no longer an issue.