The "Be Our Guest" dining experience at Magic Kingdom an old curmudgeon is about to check it out

When it comes to spending money at Disney World, you have a lot of options to choose from, including the food you eat.
Opening Night Of Disney's "Beauty And The Beast"
Opening Night Of Disney's "Beauty And The Beast" | Rodin Eckenroth/GettyImages

Admittedly, when it comes to spending money at a Disney World park, I'm a cheap as heck old curmudgeon. So when I booked a reservation for 6 at "Be Our Guest" inside Magic Kingdom, I had to check my blood pressure.

It is a running joke in my family. I don't pay more than a few dollars for a hamburger and when it hits $9.99, my interest is lost. Those fantastic egg rolls at Magic Kingdom? Yeah, that was a one and done for the purpose of reviewing them.

I love the Food and Wine Festival and the other EPCOT festivals that feature food kiosks/kitchens. It sounds abnormal but to me, paying $6-7.00 is o.k. whereas $12.00 is not. My favorite sandwich in the world is located back in the bakery at the France pavilion. It is now over $10.00 and is now off my list of food to eat.

That brings me to now. Sitting in bed with my wife talking about a trip coming up in March to Disney. After being there so many times over the last ten years we wanted to do something fun. I wasn't expecting to shell out nearly $400.00 for a family of six to enter Beast's Castle to have dinner.

Here I was, clicking the button on the Disney App to reserve our dinner. My wife convinced me because it was "part of my job to write about these experiences for other old curmudgeons like you." She had a point.

I realized that I can't really speak with any authority on the subject without having actually experienced it. So, my 14-year-old daughter will be interviewed, my 12-year-old son will get some questions as will my 20-year-old son who only wants to eat.

In about a week, I will be taking my 12 year old to Disney for a few days. I'm thinking of trying out Boma's at the Animal Kingdom Lodge or maybe the Biergarden at EPCOT. I guess I need to expand my experiences a bit more. It will be interesting if when I reach the entry to "Be Our Guest" restaurant if I will get a little excitement or feel the hollow empty wallet in my back pocket.

If you have been waffling on making a dining reservation at one of the many restaurants Disney offers, maybe it's time to step out of the shell and take a risk. I have to admit, there is some excitement for the experience. March 14th is still a bit away but every day my wife reminds me of what the experience might be. I remind her of the $400.00 it is costing me to write a story about it.

She reminds me, the point is the memories, not the written words.