The singular Best ride or attraction at Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom is more than a zoo. It is an opportunity to learn and in some cases, like Rafiki's Planet Watch, an opportunity to get a little more "hands on". But one attraction stands above anything else Disney has done.
Na'Avi bust in the guest shop of Flight of Passage. Photo Credit: Brian Miller
Na'Avi bust in the guest shop of Flight of Passage. Photo Credit: Brian Miller

Avatar has it's own world at Animal Kingdom. Pandora comes to life with sounds and smells. Music and vegetation. At night, the world transforms into a bioilluminesent magical dream that can't be missed.

In Pandora, the food is excellent with a more Asian flare. While the Na'Avi River Ride may be a miss for most guests, Avatar: Flight of Passage is a can't miss ride that takes you through the world of Pandora on the back of a flying Banshee.

From the moment you step into the queue line you are greeted with twisting trails outside beneath and among plants and waterfalls. The trails give way to the caves of Pandora where you can see the cave drawings as you cool from the baking sun. Then you go further into the system as the world of nature begins to literally entwine with mechanical human elements.

Soon you are inside the base and find yourself in the labs of engineering. From there you can see a full size avatar as you make your way deeper into the research facility and ultimately into your prep line. After a brief introduction you will board your vehicle that will connect you with your avatar and will be wishing you could get back in line and do it all over again, taking in what you missed the first time, 2nd time, or even 10th time.

Banshees at Avatar land
Take home a banshee from the Avatar gift shop. Photo Credit: Brian Miller

Avatar is as close to a perfect ride as you can get. The queue line is entertaining as much as waiting in line can be, the ride is not too short and not too long. It is engaging and thrilling, and even awe-inspiring.

Flight of Passage is clearly an example of what Disney Imagineers can do when they have the backing to get it right.