Three Disney World locations that could house a Zootopia Land instead of just in Shanghai

While U.S. based Disney World and Disneyland Fans look at their bank accounts while trying to figure out how they can get to Shanghai China to see the Zootopia Land when it opens, there is plenty of room at Disney World to add one stateside.
Duke the Musical – "Zootopia+" heads back to the fast-paced mammal metropolis of Zootopia in a
Duke the Musical – "Zootopia+" heads back to the fast-paced mammal metropolis of Zootopia in a

Disney is getting ready to announce the new Zootopia Land at Shanghai Disney and for those of us who can't travel halfway across the world to take it in, we are left wishing we could have that here in the states.

I have always found it interesting that Disney would drop great attractions in other countries while we all sit back and wait to see if we can get in on the action. In Japan, it was Tron which year's later came to Orlando. Now it's Zootopia.

If we are being honest, it isn't easy for families to jump from the east coast to the west coast to take in Disneyland and while we try to convince ourselves that someday a Marvel Universe will turn up in Orlando, we are better off hoping for a 5th gate instead.

Without a 5th gate, there are still places that can be divied up to add something like a Zootopia Land and all that goes with it. The problem? In the U.S., especially in Orlando, Disney doesn't dive too much into one-film themes around the park.

If we look at Magic Kingdom for example, there is no singular themed area. You need to go to Hollywood Studios for that.

Looking at Hollywood, there is of course Galaxy's Edge and ToyStory Land. Could they fit in a Zootopia Land as well? 100% and there is a perfect place for it.

As much as fans have enjoyed Indiana Jones, it's run its course and now, maybe that would be a great area to improve upon. There is plenty of space surrounding it and instead of a singular attraction, you could have multiple within the same area. Similar to what you have in ToyStory Land and Galaxy's Edge.

Epcot doesn't make a lot of sense. While you could rip out Test Track and Mission To Mars, two attractions that don't hold up well with the time test would make for a nice little addition to the park but overall, the theme of Zootopia really doesn't mesh with the rest of the park but anyone who knows my utter disdain for the Journey Into Imagination pavilion knows I would be all about removing it.

If we are all being honest, the best place for Zootopio is 100% Animal Kingdom and it is for all of the obvious reasons.

Instead of crossing under an archway declaring you have entered into DinoLand, how about gutting the arcades entirely and tranforming that area into a fantastical world based on the film? Not good enough?

O.k. I understand the attempts at education for Rafiki's Planet Watch but what if you incorporated part of that with Zootopia? Taking the train out to the petting zoo and replacing parts of the area with a Zootopia themed using the train to transition you into a new world all together?

Still no? Then just build off the park on the other side of Asia and behind the Finding Nemo show? There is room and it could open Animal Kingdom up more.

Of course, Disney could just get their act together and create a 5th park entirely where Zootopio and so much more could be added.