More of the High Republic Era

We had glimpses, yet it would have been so much better to see more of the High Republic Era. It would be great to see the Republic at its height, more of the issues of the Jedi, and delving deeper into the conflicts with the regular Republic government. It also could have stripped away the glossy surface and show the underbelly, the corruption in the government, the rise of criminal groups and the problems that paved the way for Palpatine’s takeover. It’s a great period in Star Wars lore, how this supposed “golden age” wasn’t so great and one wishes the franchise finds a way to bring it back to life.
Don’t let the haters win

Maybe the worst part of The Acolyte’s cancellation is the joy felt by that small but too-loud group of Star Wars fans who regularly rant about “Disney ruined the franchise.” The fact so much hate on the series came long before it even aired is telling with slams on it being “woke” or female-driven and that’s without the truly terrible bigoted comments. These were “fans” who hated it just for being different or worse reasons without even giving it a chance.
Canceling the show seems to say these people were right. That a female-centric Star Wars show set in a different time was a bad idea. That trying to do something outside the status quo wasn’t going to work. Rewarding that toxic minority of fandom by axing the show is a bad message for the franchise as a whole.
Again, The Acolyte may not have been a great show, but there was potential for major improvement. It had compelling characters and a good setting, and it clearly prepared for bigger and better storytelling. It’s a shame we’ll never see it unless Disney changes their minds as The Acolyte could have been a way to move Star Wars into the future rather than being relegated to the past.
The Acolyte streaming on Disney+.