X-Men '97, the highly anticipated animated series that serves as a revival and spiritual sequel to X-Men: The Animated Series, was originally supposed to release in Fall of last year. But a delay pushed it back to early 2024 and now we have an updated release window.
According to Cosmic Circus, X-Men '97 will premiere on Disney+ some time in March. While not confirmed by Disney nor Marvel, Cosmic Circus has a pretty good track record with this kind of stuff. Plus, it aligns with the spring release window previously set by Marvel Studios.
The March premiere window seems to also coincide with the release of the four-issue comic book prequel series, also titled X-Men '97, that was announced by Marvel Comics in December of last year. The upcoming comic series, written by Steve Foxe and made in collaboration with the series' showrunners, is set to release on March 27, 2024. The comic is said to be "an original tale that feeds right into" the animated series.
Aside from the initial announcement banner and some leaked merchandise and promotional art, we haven't seen any official marketing or promotional material for X-Men '97 released yet. However, the titles for all 10 episodes were recently revealed. On the surface, they don't appear to spoil too much about the show, but those who have read the X-Men comic books could probably spot a few teasers.
Despite the fact that X-Men '97 has been shrouded in secrecy, it's one of Marvel's most anticipated projects — especially among those who grew up watching X-Men: The Animated Series in the '90s. According to The Hollywood Reporter, X-Men '97 is a "spiritual and tonal continuation of the classic 1990s series that aired on Fox," and a "retro love letter to the original."
If X-Men '97 is to premiere in mid to late March 2024, then expect some official promotional material to start arriving soon. Hopefully it comes in the form of a trailer.