The new trailer for Fantastic Four: First Steps hit our screens this morning, and Marvel fans are already chomping at the bit. While this new project from Marvel Studios feels like a trip back to the brand's origins, will it be enough to keep its established fanbase?
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the biggest film franchises in history, but some recent entries have put it in something of a lull. That being said, this new feature, with its use of classic comic book imagery and themes, feels like a breath of fresh air. Still, the real question is how Disney and Marvel's consumers feel about it.
Marvel fans, assemble!
In the world of consumer culture, it's the fans that have the real superpowers (no gamma rays required), and viewers are already making their voices heard. While the trailer already has almost 400K views on YouTube, this writer took to r/MarvelStudios on Reddit to get the full, unfiltered reactions.
At the time of writing, there seems to be a generally positive reception from fans, many of whom praise the retro-inspired vibe of the film. Users like u/fasm13 hits the nail on the head when they write,
"If nothing else, I absolutely adore the look of this film. The production choices are so on-point, it was such a good decision to go with 60s retro-futurism and the colour palette is gorgeous. Very much looking forward to this one."
Further down in the thread, u/cesareborgia1475 makes a similar statement when they write,
"Really digging the look of the film and Retro Future and Michael Giacchino always make for such a great combo. Can't wait to hear what he's got cooking up for the score."
On a separate note, it's no surprise to this writer that composer Michael Giacchino was such a marvelous fit for his project. Given his work with Pixar's Incredibles, it feels like the next logical step in his superhero career.
Of course, there's nothing wrong with having a little cautious optimisim with any new project from any studio, but Marvel has been working through a rough patch with recent releases. With Deadpool and Wolverine (2024) cleaning up the mess The Marvels (2023) left behind with fans, it's understandable if some are a little worried.
u/IsThisCleverEnough7 shares a very valid take on the new film, and one paired with sentiments likely shared by many as the current Marvel phase comes to a close. The user writes,
"It looks like it has a lot of heart. Something that I think the most recent MCU movies have lacked or tried to fabricate. I’m a little disappointed in the look and sound of the Thing but man, Galactus’ shadow hovering over NYC was beautiful."
This writer would have to agree with the phrase about MCU movies lacking the heart seen in their predecessors, something the famous James Gunn pointed out around Guardians 3. However, the MCU's variant of Marvel's first family certainly seems to be a step forward rather than back.
Fantastic Four: First Steps hits theatres July 25, 2025.