15 absolutely timeless Disney movies from the '90s

From Beauty and the Beast and Mulan to even A Goofy Movie, here's some of the best '90s Disney films that stand out.
Courtesy: Disney
Courtesy: Disney
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USA-'NEWSIES' Opening Night Curtain Call
USA-'NEWSIES' Opening Night Curtain Call | Walter McBride/GettyImages

Newsies (1992)

Though it's set in 1899, Newsies is still a great story that's actually relatable. Hollywood just recently experienced the writers and actors strikes in 2023. The film is about a group of people who take a stand, knowing that they deserve more rights and seize the day. And that happens around us in so many different occupations everyday. Surprisingly, Newsies didn't do well at the box office at all. But it gained a cult following when it came to home video, and the musical on Broadway in 2012 gave the story new life. Now, it's widely popular and I always knew it deserved the attention!

Hocus Pocus (1993)

Another production that didn't do great at the box office but is now one of the most popular Disney movies around, especially as a Halloween staple, is Hocus Pocus! This film is definitely in my Top 10 favorite Disney films, and I have to watch it every Halloween Day. It's tradition! The Sanderson sisters are hilariously wicked, and it's no surprise that things turned around for the movie and now a majority of people watch it during the spooky season. It's cheesy at times, I'm not going to lie. But it still holds its special uniqueness today. A sequel was made and a third one is currently in the works. Honestly, the follow-up didn't hit the same as the original and I don't think the sequels are needed. But it's still nice to see the franchise doing so well overall.

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Another holiday classic, but during the colder months, is The Nightmare Before Christmas! The animation made a difference and revolutionized the field because it was the first feature-length stop-motion movie to be made and released to audiences. So thanks to this wonderful Jack Skellington film, we have a whole type of animation that we see today. The storytelling and beautifully crafted landscapes really make for a wonderful tale. Today, it has a cult following and is one of the most-watched movies during the holiday season.

The Lion King (1994)

The Lion King is all about the circle of life, and that is relatable to absolutely everyone. We all experience love, loss, and everything else that makes up, well, life. Simba's story is a classic, and one that features many lessons everyone can learn from and still apply today. Don't let power corrupt you, family should come first, and familial rivalries shouldn't get in the way. The musical animation made $763 million at the box office, making it the highest-grossing film of 1994. The franchise includes a sequel, The Lion King II: Simba's Pride which came out in 1998, a prequel, two television shows, and the live-action version of the movie. I'm also very excited about the live-action prequel, Mufasa, coming in 2024!