A decade after his passing, Robin Williams leaves behind an amazing Disney legacy!

Robin Williams left us ten years ago yet his connections to Disney are the reason the man remains such a beloved comedian!
Robin Williams, Betty White Recognized With Disney Awards
Robin Williams, Betty White Recognized With Disney Awards | Handout/GettyImages
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Williams' legacy with Disney

Like so many, Disney was stunned by Williams' death, and both Disney Channel and ABC Family aired Aladdin numerous times. The Broadway production of Aladdin had the cast and audience singing "Friend Like Me" in tribute to him. The recent short Once Upon a Studio not only has unused voice work by Williams as the Genie but also a cameo of him as his Back to Neverland Lost Boy. 

It's a shame the various problems between Williams and Disney didn't lead to more collaborations. Yet it's remarkable how Disney in no small part is responsible for some of Williams' biggest hits, boosting his career to mega stardom and one role in particular that will always be remembered. 

 It's said no one is truly gone until everyone who remembers them has passed. If so, then thanks to Disney and the Genie, Robin Williams will remain alive for a long, long time to come.

Aladdin, Flubber and Old Dogs streaming on Disney+