Shots fired at Epic Universe, Disney fights back

Universal's Epic Universe was supposed to put Disney on the run, but the mouse shot back with new footage from the parks.
Dracula at Universal's Epic Universe
Dracula at Universal's Epic Universe

Universal Stuidos' new Epic Universe expansion was recently billed as the ultimate immersive theme park experience, bringing guests into the world of Harry Potter, Super Mario, Hiccup and Toothless, and the Universal Monsters. It looked like the project would sizzle the House of Mouse, but new footage teases otherwise.

The Walt Disney World Resort might not have Dracula and the Mario Bros. on its payroll, but when has the company ever been afraid of some competition? Disney isn't just sitting on its Mickey Mitts while Universal builds. As seen in the footage below, it might be the start of a theme park turf war.

Walt Disney WORLDS?

As Universal continues its campaign of multiple worlds and franchises, Disney just said, "Hold my Dole Whip" to give us the ad above. While the footage contains imagery we've all seen before, the way the script is written teases Disney is hiding something behind the pixie dust.

In this writer's opinion, the most telling feature is the way the cast member (possibly the Evil Queen in disguise) teases viewers with "a world of villains" while picking up an obviously poisoned apple. Disney has been hinting at a villain park for years, and it might just be the tip of the iceberg.

If you've been a Disney fan for as long as I have, you know that they never just tease, and they never throw anything away, either. This might be the studio's way of telling the audience, "Sit back, we're just getting started." All we can do is sit back and watch.

While Epic Universe might be the new kid on the block with the bright, shiny new toys, WDW has one thing it hasn't got: brand loyalty. Disney World has been around since the '70s, and it will stand for decades after. As exciting as Universal's expansion looks, it doesn't have near the nostalgia factor that Disney has.

On that note, this writer's interpretation could be wrong. This entire campaign might be a subliminal way for Disney to play with our bloated nostalgia receptors and keep us all under its spell. Then again, stranger things have happened.

Along Main Street will continue to watch with great interest, and update as the theme park battles begin.